Truth Does Not Change

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All researchers are all provided with "Blind Grants" to eliminate any influence on outcome. To them, it as if funds were donated anonymously. They are free to pursue their academic vision and passions without dogma or expectation.  We never allow support or common thought to override outcome.  

We rely on you.

We are an independent, donation supported instituituion.

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We accept cash and securities in the form of contributions and grants.

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We accept property and assets

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We will help you achieve your chartiable goals.

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You tell me whar a man gits his corn pone,

en I’ll tell you what his ‘pinion’s is.


Facts are information minus emotion.

Opinions are information plus experience.

Ignorance is an opinion without information.

Stupidity is an opinion that ignores facts.


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section 03

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Fusce pulvinar ante non sapien. Aliquam iaculis, wisi ac tristique ornare.

Suspendisse nisl tellus, volutpat vel, vehicula nec, venenatis eu, erat. Maecenas vulputate laoreet lectus. Fusce pulvinar ante non sapien.

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Political Science

Why NGOs are Critical

When funding for science comes from Governmental sources it becomes "Political Science".

INo organisom will promote risus ultrices metus, a ornare purus metus eget elit. Sed a leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque cursus, mauris nec sagittis dictum, nunc pede facilisis nisl, id mattis nunc nulla in ipsum. Donec ullamcorper, nulla eu faucibus sagittis, wisi risus ultrices metus, a ornare purus metus eget elit. Sed a leo. Suspendisse nisl tellus, volutpat vel, vehicula nec, venenatis eu, erat. Maecenas vulputate laoreet lectus. Fusce pulvinar ante non sapien. Aliquam iaculis, wisi ac tristique ornare, ante est lacinia urna, quis tempor neque dui id tortor. Vivamus posuere. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec facilisis. Fusce imperdiet, augue at dignissim ultricies, tortor libero vehicula neque, ac malesuada lorem dolor et arcu. Quisque accumsan metus vel diam.

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Entiy Preservation

When an entity cease to grow, it begins to die. All entities

Science for Profit

Should insitutions profit from public funding

One of the key concepts of licensing intellectual property by the University of California system was developed by a colleague. The question arose as to "double dipping". The public and taxpayers paid for the building, laboratory, equipment,  materials and the researchers were paid salaries and recieved substantial publicly guaranteed pensions. 

Often a patent is filed for the results of research with the inventor retaining a royalty and the University System keeping ownership, licensing and royalty rights.  A Patent grants a monpoly to the owner allowing for greater profit. This greater profit is derived by charging higher prices to the public. Thus the public pays twice. The Researcher gains acomonic advantage by being able to either pocket funds or control the use of funds (tax free). The University collects the royalties and as an educational instituion pays no taxes.

Further, instituiions charge for the use of archival information, much of which was given to them by donors. This allows for a tax free accumulation of intellectual property and monetray resources. 



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Truth Does Not Change

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